Thursday, September 16, 2010

The kindness begins

I have no doubt that over the course of this adventure I will have many people to thank.

Here are two that have made a huge impact already:

Julie Wheaton- she has helped set up this blog, given me suggestions about blogging topics, and generally been a supporter of the trip since I first thought about doing it. She also has started a non-profit Bakery which raises money for three different noble organizations. Check her blog out, order some cookies, and support a great friend.

Secondly, my friend JD is an expert bike mechanic. He labored for much of the day ensuring my bike would at least begin in tip top condition. If you're in Denver and need bike or ski repairs, head into the Bicycle Doctor at 9th and Broadway. Tell them you heard JD was rad.

Just an FYI: I am leaving for San Diego on Thursday, September 23- a week from today! I am still looking to borrow a small and light backpacking tent and likely a BOB single wheel bicycle trailer. Let me know if you can help out on that front.

I'm sure shameless plugs will be a familiar face on this blog.

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