Day 4: September 29
We headed out of Yuma at a pretty good time. Jeanie (or Genie?), our host, left work to come back to the house to say goodbye. What a nice lady!
After a quick stop for breakfast and the nearest Wally World (Wal-Mart) to pick up a headlamp for Jacques, we headed east. We rode the highway 8 frontage road for several miles before Jacques got the prize for having the first flat tire of the trip. Jacques replaced the tube, and we were on our way.
Unfortunately, the frontage road abruptly stopped. Our option was to jump the barbed wire fence with our bikes and trailers, or go straight over a gravel-ish road. We opted for the gravel, walking most of it. Up ahead was a border patrol station, and we were a little hesitant because we weren't positive that biking on highway 8 was legal. We briefly thought we could walk by on this outlying gravel road, but then the road truly came to a stop and led directly to the patrolmen. The patrolmen asked their mandatory, "are you US citizens" and then chatted it up for a little. They welcomed us on the highway, and we welcomed the paved road.
We traveled for about 6ish hours on the highway, with desert to our left and right, but luckily also cloud cover floated overhead. Alas, we arrived at Dateland, sampled Date shakes, but opted for a chocolate and peanut butter one instead.
The we headed over to our campsite just across the street. The shower facilities were amazing; the sleeping conditions not so much. My question is this: why build a campsite 200 yards from a highway and 100 yards from a busy railroad? Needless to say, with about one train per hour passing, neither Jacques or I got much sleep.
I'll write another post soon about our ride to Gila Bend, AZ. As a teaser, let me just say, that I am now sitting in one of the nicest houses I have been inside in a while. Life is good. Or I really should say, the Mayor of Gila Bend and his lovely wife are amazing hosts!
After a quick stop for breakfast and the nearest Wally World (Wal-Mart) to pick up a headlamp for Jacques, we headed east. We rode the highway 8 frontage road for several miles before Jacques got the prize for having the first flat tire of the trip. Jacques replaced the tube, and we were on our way.
Unfortunately, the frontage road abruptly stopped. Our option was to jump the barbed wire fence with our bikes and trailers, or go straight over a gravel-ish road. We opted for the gravel, walking most of it. Up ahead was a border patrol station, and we were a little hesitant because we weren't positive that biking on highway 8 was legal. We briefly thought we could walk by on this outlying gravel road, but then the road truly came to a stop and led directly to the patrolmen. The patrolmen asked their mandatory, "are you US citizens" and then chatted it up for a little. They welcomed us on the highway, and we welcomed the paved road.
We traveled for about 6ish hours on the highway, with desert to our left and right, but luckily also cloud cover floated overhead. Alas, we arrived at Dateland, sampled Date shakes, but opted for a chocolate and peanut butter one instead.
The we headed over to our campsite just across the street. The shower facilities were amazing; the sleeping conditions not so much. My question is this: why build a campsite 200 yards from a highway and 100 yards from a busy railroad? Needless to say, with about one train per hour passing, neither Jacques or I got much sleep.
I'll write another post soon about our ride to Gila Bend, AZ. As a teaser, let me just say, that I am now sitting in one of the nicest houses I have been inside in a while. Life is good. Or I really should say, the Mayor of Gila Bend and his lovely wife are amazing hosts!
p.s. Thanks Sarah for the photo text!
Also, special shout out to the Jack In the Box ladies!
Also, special shout out to the Jack In the Box ladies!
1 comment:
Hi Brad and Jacques! Keep going guys...We're praying for you. Vaughan and the Beautiful Gate family
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