Sunday oct 17 - Lulling
monday oct 18- brookshire tx (host home)
tues oct 19 houston, tx (host home)
wed oct 20 beaumont tx (host home)
thurs oct 21 lake charles la (host home) ***rest day
fri oct 22 lake charles (host home)
sat oct 23 lafayette
sun oct 24 gonzales, la
mon oct 25 new orleans, la (host home)
tues oct 26 gulfport ms (host home)
wed oct 27 mobile al
thur oct 28 pensacola fl (host home)
fri oct 29 de funiak springs fl
sat oct 30 chattahoochee fl
sun oct 31 tallahassee fl(host home)
mon Nov 1 live oak fl
tues nov 2 jacksonville fl!!!!!!! (host home)
If you see a date that doesn't say "host home", we may still need a place to stay. If you can help on that front, please let us know. We don't bite!

Love that photo! Remember when October 17th used to be you running a half marathon in Denver?
Goodspeed you guys. Stay safe.
Ron and Dianne in Gila Bend
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