Saturday OCT 30: Dafuniak Springs, FL to Chatahooche, FL
The title above includes some lyrics of an Alan Jackson song. Mr. Jackson continues by singing, "it gets hotter than a hoochie coochie." What does that mean? Perhaps I don't want to know.
Today was not a horribly exciting day. We rode 84 miles. Highlights include eating the biggest hamburger I've ever seen. It was called the "Big Momma." Jacques and I both partook in this endeavor and succeeded just after being honked at by another restaurant patron. The guy had a hard time believing we were legally riding in the road and the sidewalk is for pedestrians. Bikes are considered vehicles.
I think the required clothing in the panhandle of Florida is some form of camouflage.
I met a bicycling group this morning. They were super friendly and donated to Beautiful Gate. Thanks guys!
Also, by the time we made it to Chatahoochiemama, we met a retired Navy Seal group also doing a cross country ride. We heard about them while in Texas, but haven't met until tonight. They are pretty remarkable; one guy is 74 years old and looks like he could beat me up with his pinky.
Tomorrow: Tallahassee.
We have THREE more days of riding. Crazy.
1 comment:
Good Lord, look at that burger! Glad you guys are making it o.k. - Be safe!
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