Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not for Us...

I thought I would write a short note before heading back to Denver.

First, I hope that as a reader of this blog and possible donor to Beautiful Gate Orphanage and Community Builder, you realize you are supporting a worthy cause. I will make shameless plugs all day for Beautiful Gate because I have seen first hand how they are able to positively impact the lives of children affected and infected by HIV and AIDs as well as build local community leaders. Although Jacques and I had an experience of a lifetime, I hope we portray our love and passion for the Beautiful Gate children, the Beautiful Gate community, and South Africa in general. We were honored to be advocates during these last five and half weeks, and will continue to be lifelong supporters.

If you have yet to donate, please consider doing so at

Second, through this trip I have gone deeper in debt-I am now indebted to the manifold people who housed, helped, fed, encouraged, and prayed for us. Jacques and I are very aware that we did not do this trip alone. If you have lost faith in humanity, do a cross country bicyle trip. Friends and strangers alike were more generous than I can even start to comprehend. Words can not begin to explain how thankful I am for all those gifts of charity, small or large, that helped us accomplish our goal of raising awareness and support for Beautiful Gate. For now, I can only say with sincerity "THANK YOU!"

Finally, this may sound foolish and a little idealistic, but Live Life before you Die. Go out and do something crazy. Better yet, go out and do something crazy for someone else. We all have gifts and talents, and we ought not waste them always for our own selfish ambitions. I hope Jacques and my actions spoke louder than our words. If our actions were translated into words, I hope the translation would go something like this: "Two clowns decide to travel cross country on bicycle to raise awareness and support for some amazing South African children and surrounding community. If two clowns can make a small impact on this world, SO CAN YOU!"

Signing off, Brad.


Anonymous said...

Oh Brad...and Jacques...speaking as someone from Beautiful Gate that was so touched by your amazing ride...Thank you, Thank You, Thank YOU both. Your ride was such a journey of love for BG and I just want you both to know how much it meant to us. I will miss reading of your adventures. Love from, Beth

"M" said...

I'm really proud of you Brizzle.

Jason Mitchell said...

Well said Brad

Leah said...

What an incredible blog and an amazing adventure you are on. So glad "M" told me about your blog!

Unknown said...

We laughed! We cried! We gasped in horror! We followed your adventures and became good friends! We continually prayed for two crazy guys who only had one change of underwear! We worried that you would get enough to eat and that you would find a safe haven every night. You are both extraordinary guys and I know that both of you will continue to make a difference in the world. We are so very blessed to know you.

Tours of the Sistine Chapel said...

Clowning aside, I think it's great what you have done. It takes a whole village to raise a child, but it only takes one or two people to make a difference. Congratulations and I hope your inspiration helps others realize that they, too, can dream big and make a difference.